“ON THE GROUND: 2020 Protests & the Untold Stories of Los Angeles ”

Photo Exhibition in Los Angeles, CA | November 2021

In the wake of George Floyd's murder, thousands of people took to the streets of Los Angeles and around the world to protest. A handful of those people showed up with cameras to document the history unfolding. Little did we all know how much those summer months would bring us together and change us forever. From the frontlines of the civil unrest, a community of photographers was forged. Many of the stories coming from the protests never made it onto news headlines, leaving many truths unseen and unknown.

Much of what we see on TV and news sites are edited down to fit within 90 seconds or word counts, leaving many stories on the ground leaving communities stories untold. This collection of stories and photos brings you closer to the unseen parts of Los Angeles. By knowing these stories we get a more in-depth view and greater understanding of the city we live in.

Raquel Natalicchio alongside Kemal Cilengir, & ArtShare LA created “On the Ground” to ensure that the truth of the streets was not only seen and heard, but conveyed in a way that respected each community.